Create an Organization Chart
To create an Organization Chart, Login to the mondCloud™ BPM Designer.
- Log in to mond BPM.
- Navigate to Designer --> Organizational Chart.
- A list of existing organization charts will be displayed.
Step 1
- On the menu bar, click Add New. A new window will open.
- Enter the name of the organization chart and click Save.
Step 2
- The organization chart will be saved and a chart will be displayed.
- Double click the Role box, to create sub-ordinate role.
- To click a role at the same level, click the Parent Role box.
Step 3
- To change the name of a role, click the Role box, and click the Properties Icon.
- You can change the role, role description and optionally enter the comments.
- You can assign one or more users to see this role.
- To select more than one user, click shift and then click the other user names.
- If you do not see all the users, or to add a new user, use the mondCloud EAI tool.
- Click Save Chart, to save your changes.
To delete a role, within the organization chart
- Select the role.
- Click delete button (on your keyboard).
- Click Save Chart to save your changes.
- To select more than one user, click shift and then click the other user names.
- If you do not see all the users, or to add a new user, use mondCloud ESB.
- To add new users, click here to login to mondCloud ESB
- Click Save Chart, to save your changes.